冠状动脉造影( CAG)一直被认为是诊断冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病的“金标准”,但它只能反映血管腔被造影剂充填后的轮廓,不能真实反映血管腔的狭窄程度,尤其是对于左主干病变患者,CAG 检查的结果与冠状动脉病变的实际情况差异更大,无法准确地反映左主干病变严重程度。血管内超声可以弥补 CAG 的不足,可以精确地反映左主干病变的程度、范围、性质以及参考血管的直径情况,有利于病情的充分评估及支架选择、支架释放应用。“,”Coronary angiography(CAG) has always been considered in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease of the “gold standard”,though it can only reflect the outline of a vessel after filling with contrast agents,but not the narrowness severity of the vascular cavity.Especially for patients with left main lesion, CAG examination results and the actual situation of coronary artery lesions often differs greatly,and it can-not accurately reflect the severity of the left main lesion.Intravascular ultrasound can make up for the defi-ciency of CAG,since it can fully assess the severity,scope,nature and vascular diameter,which is helpful for adequate assessment of the condition,stent selection,and stents release applications.