2002年11月底,正在对明年国内各行业IT应用需求进行调研的计世资讯分析师惊奇地发现,乍看上去不起眼的杭州市住房公积金中心一个IT项目的预算竟然高达2000万元!相形之下,传统的IT购买大户如税务等政府部门的声音显得比往年低了许多. 这一信息似乎预示着,2003年的中国IT市场将要发生史无前例的结构性变化. 与结构性变化并行的是整个中国IT产业在总量上的增长势头放缓.日前公布的中国2002年第三季度宏观经济运行的各项指标显示,多年来一直扮演着中国GDP增长“火车头”的中国IT产业,首次在对GDP增长的贡献率上输给了势头强劲的汽车业.这个消息同时宣告了中国长达8年对汽车业不间断扶持的产业政策大获成功.因此,信息产业部不失时机抛出的一个动用资金高达5000亿元的“信息化带动工业化”的方案,无疑被认为是拉动国内IT产业发展的重大利好,令众多陷于困顿中的IT厂商精神为之一振. 在总体低调和局部晴好、提供商与需求方的不均匀状态同时加剧导致市场结构性转换等诸多因素的交织下,IT业迎来了买方势力的一年.“,”The China Computerworld analysts, whowere analyzing year 2003 demands for IT ap-plications from different industries last No-vember, surprisingly found that even the budgetof an IT project of Hangzhou Housing Accu-mulation Fund - which would not attractmuch attention before - is as high as RMB 20millions! By contrast, the traditional bigbuyers' tones become much lower than pastfew years. It seems there would be an un-precedented structural change in Chinese ITmarket in 2003. In parallel with the change, the growth ofChinese IT industry would be slower on thewhole. The index of Chinese economy shows that theindustry, which had been the locomotive of the growing economy for years, be- gan to make less contri- bution to GDP growth than the rapidly expand- ing automobile industry in the third quarter, 2002. For IT industry, therefore, 2003 would be a year the buyers' voice will become louder. The executives of IT firms should learn conscien- tiously how to earn money hard, and buyers should become shrewder and learn how to spend pocket money.