【摘 要】
1临床资料病例1,女,74岁,因胸痛、双下肢无力半天入院。患者于半天前出现胸痛伴双下肢无力,行走不能,伴大小便失禁。既往有高血压、冠心病、心绞痛、脑梗死、帕金森病病史。查体:T38·2℃,P96次/m in,R18次/m in,BP22·0/13·3kPa。神志恍惚,双侧唇沟对称,颈软,双肺呼吸音清,心
1 clinical data Case 1, female, 74 years old, due to chest pain, weakness in both legs admitted to hospital. Patients with chest pain in two days before weakness with both lower extremities, can not walk, with incontinence. Past history of hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina, cerebral infarction, Parkinson’s disease. Examination: T38 · 2 ℃, P96 times / m in, R18 times / m in, BP22 · 0/13 · 3kPa. Trance, bilateral labial groove symmetry, neck soft, lung breath sounds clear, heart
Background:Most previous neuroimaging studies have focused on the structural and functional abnormalities of local brain regions in major depressive disorder (M
污染减排工作开展情况rn责任分工 明确目标rn在与国家签订了“十一五”主要污染物总量削减目标责任书后,贵州省将减排责任进行了层层分解.2006年省政府与各市(州、地)政府(行
Background:Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a severe,debilitating,and complex psychiatric disorder with multiple causative factors.An increasing number of studies have de
1临床资料患者女,36岁,因“孕足月,持续性腹痛1 d,加重3 h”于2008年4月20日21时30分入院。入院查体:中年女性,痛苦病容,BP110/80 mm Hg,产检:宫高35 cm,腹围105 cm,无胎心,
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Background:Antimicrobial peptides,including cathelicidin LL-37,human beta defensin (HBD)-2,and HBD-3,are important elements of the innate immune response and in