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大教育家夸美纽斯曾经说过:“玩具可以帮助孩童自寻其乐,并可能锻炼其身体的健康,精神的活泼,身体各部也因之而灵敏”。鲁迅先生也曾经说过:“玩具是儿童的天使。”在儿童的成长过程中,玩具自始至终陪伴着孩子,既是孩子们最亲密的伙伴,又是最好、最自然的教科书。世界卫生组织儿童生长发育合作中心牵头组织的6岁以下儿童心理发育水平和家庭状况的调查结果表明,“玩具对儿童的身体运动、语言、认知、社会性的发展都有促进作用。”可见,玩具的作用巨大,儿童的成长离不开玩具。关于玩具与儿童发展的研究无论从学前教育角度还是心理学或者医学角度都有较为全而细致的研究,但是,玩具同时作为一种商品,在市场上种类繁多,功能复杂,质量又参差小齐,而家庭是幼儿主要的生活和教育场所,因此研究家庭中幼儿玩具的选购问题,对幼儿良好的成长与发展具有重要的意义。 Comenius, a great educator, once said: “Toys help children to find their own way, and may exercise their physical health, their spirits, their bodies are sensitive.” Mr. Lu Xun once said: “Toys are children’s angels.” Toys are the children’s closest companions and the best and most natural textbooks as children grow up. The results of a survey conducted on the psychological development and family status of children under the age of 6 led by the WHO Collaborating Center for Child Growth and Development show that toys play a catalytic role in children’s body movement, language, cognition and social development. "Visible, the role of toys is huge, children’s growth can not be separated from toys. The research on the development of toys and children has a more complete and meticulous research both in terms of pre-school education and psychology or medicine. However, as a commodity, toys in the market have a great variety of functions, complicated functions and poor quality. , While families are the main places of life and education for young children. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the purchase of children’s toys in the family for their good growth and development.
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