国际中国语言学学会(International Association of Chinese Linguistics,IACL)第11届年会于2002年8月20—22日在日本爱知县立大学举行。来自世界各地的250位学者参加了本次会议,其中142位在会上发表了论文。爱荷华大学柯蔚南(South W.Coblin)、神户大学中川正之、中国社会科学院沈家煊、台湾中研院何大安、哈佛大学黄正德、巴黎第七大学白梅丽(Marie-Claude Paris)等6位学者作了大会特邀主题发言。与会者分31个分会场宣读了论文。这些论文议
The 11th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL) was held at Aichi Prefectural University, Japan from August 20-22, 2002. 250 scholars from all over the world attended the conference, of which 142 papers were published at the conference. Six scholars such as University of Iowa, South W.Coblin, Kobe University of Kobe, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Shen Dajian, Taiwan Research Institute Ho Tai-an, Harvard University, Huang Chengde and Marie-Claude Paris The conference invited guest speakers. Participants read the thesis in 31 sub-forums. These papers discussed