今年5月的一天,湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州盐业公司劳资科长特意来到州社保局,为公司所有的52名职工重新申报了2000年度社会保险缴费工资,并一次性补缴了今年1至5月增加的养老保险费。重新申报后,盐业公司每月的缴费基数增加了1950元。这是怎么回事呢? 原来,盐业公司去年底调整增加了职工工资,但当时公司已经向州社保局申报了2000年度职工缴费工资。怎么办?是维持已申报的缴费基数,还是按调整后的职工工资重新申报缴费工资?公司领导对社会保险政策又一次进行了认真学习,
One day in May this year, labor chief of the salt company of Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Hubei Province specifically came to the State Social Security Bureau to re-declare the 2000 annual social insurance payroll for all 52 employees of the company and make a one-time payment in this year January to May increased pension insurance. After re-declaration, the salt company’s monthly contribution base increased by 1950 yuan. It turned out that the original salt company to adjust the end of last year increased wages, but at that time the company has declared to the State Social Security Bureau 2000 annual payroll wages. What to do? Is to maintain the declared base of payment, or re-declare pay wages according to the adjusted wages? The leadership of the company once again conducted a serious study of social insurance policies,