价值决定市场 市场决定价格

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保安服务费究竟由谁来决定呢?是继续依靠政府指导,还是完全由保安服务市场自行调节?这个话题的确很有争议。时至今日,我国保安业已经历了24年的发展历程。具有中国特色的保安服务业,随着改革开放的不断深入,在经济快速发展的时代背景下,已逐步由完全垄断市场转向开放市场,我们看到的,不仅是这些年来保安服务业自身发展所取得的累累硕果,还有市场运行机制的日趋成熟,可以说我国保安服务业已进入了一个大发展、大繁荣的最佳时期。保安服务费到底由谁来决定,笔者认为与保安业自身发展的不同阶段有着密切关系。如果说保安服务业在完全垄断、寡头垄断、垄断竞争这三个阶段的保安服务费需要政府划定指导价或采取行政干预的话,那么如今正迈向完全竞争市场的保安服务业,则需要遵循市场运作规律,即保安服务费就得依靠市场来自行调节了。下面,笔者就谈一点肤浅的看法。众所周知,《价格法》规定我国实行市场调节价、政府指导价、政府定价三种定价形式,其中市场调节价在市场价格机制中占主导地位。这里,我们需要了解政府指导价和市场调节价两个概念。政府指导价,即由政府价格主管部门或者其他有关部门,按照定价权限和范围规定基准价及其浮动幅度,指导经营者制定的价格。这是一种具有双重定价主体的价格形式,政府通过制定基准价和浮动幅度,达到控制价格水平的目的,经营者可以在政府规定的基准价和浮动幅度内灵活地制定调整价格。政府指导价既体现了国家行政定价强制性的一面,又体现了经营者定价相对灵活性的一面。目前,不适宜在市场竞争中形成价格或者尚未形成竞争的极少数商品和服务项目实行政府指导价或政府定价,比如,与国民经济发展和人民生活关系重大的极少数商品价格、资源稀缺的少数商品价格、自然垄断经营的商品价格、重要的公用事业价格、重要的公益性服务价格。 Who is the security service fee to decide? Whether to continue relying on government guidance or to completely regulate itself by the security service market? This topic is indeed very controversial. Up to now, the security industry in our country has undergone 24 years of development. With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, the security service industry with Chinese characteristics has gradually shifted from a completely monopolized market to an open market under the background of rapid economic development. What we see is not only the self-development of the security service industry over the years The tremendous achievements made and the increasingly mature market operation mechanism, it can be said that the security service industry in our country has entered a best period of great development and prosperity. Security service fee in the end by whom to decide, I think the security industry and its own development of different stages are closely related. If the security service fees in the three phases of complete monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition require the government to set the guide price or take administrative intervention, the security service industry that is moving toward a perfectly competitive market now needs to follow The law of market operation, that is, security service fees have to rely on the market to adjust itself. Now, I will talk a little superficial view. As we all know, the “Price Law” stipulates that China will implement market pricing, government guidance and government pricing in three pricing forms, of which the market adjustment price will dominate the market price mechanism. Here, we need to understand the two concepts of government guide price and market regulation price. Government guidance price, that is, the government department in charge of price or other relevant departments, in accordance with the pricing authority and scope of the benchmark price and its floating range, to guide the operator to develop the price. This is a price form with a double pricing body. The government achieves the purpose of controlling the price level by setting the base price and the floating range. The operator can flexibly set the adjustment price within the benchmark price and floating range stipulated by the government. The government guidance price not only embodies the mandatory aspect of state administrative pricing, but also reflects the relative flexibility of the operator’s pricing. At present, it is not appropriate to set prices in the market or a handful of goods and services that have not yet formed a competition. Government guidance or government pricing is adopted, for example, the prices of the very few commodities that have a great bearing on national economic development and people’s livelihood, Commodity prices, commodity prices run by natural monopolies, important utility prices, and important public service prices.
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