快乐与工作可以并存吗? 当不少上班族还在为这个问题委曲求全、烦恼不已、频频跳槽的时候,有这样一些企业,这样一些员工,他们在工作中享受快乐,在快乐中推动着事业和职业发展,把上班这件事变得如回家、聚会一般值得期待。以“快乐工作”为主题,中央电视台经济频道、智联招聘网联合开展了“2005’CCTV中国年度雇主调查”,以成就感、成长感、归属感为维度,推出了让员工快乐工作的最佳雇主。
Happy and work can coexist? When many office workers are still perfect for this problem, troubles, frequent job-hopping, there are such businesses, some of these employees, they enjoy happiness at work, and promote happiness in the cause and Career development, to go home to work like this thing, the party generally worth the wait. With the theme of “Happy Work”, CCTV Economic Channel and Zhaopin Network jointly launched the 2005’CCTV China Employers Survey of the Year. With the sense of accomplishment, sense of development and sense of belonging as the dimensions, we launched the best way for employees to work happily employer.