Abnormal Growth of Goss Grains in Grain-oriented Electrical Steels

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baolm
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With the help of electron back scattering diffraction techniques and field emission microscope, the misorientation and the precipitation environment of Goss grains in conventional grain-oriented steel were observed and investigated at the initial stage of secondary recrystallization. It reveals that the abnormal Goss grains have a high fraction of high angle boundaries ranging from 25 to 40 deg. The most important observation is that some of {110}<001> grains in matrix indicated higher particle density than their neighbor grains during final annealing at 875℃ before secondary recrystallization, which could create a favorable environment for their abnormal grain growth. Based on misorientation and precipitation results, the abnormal growth mechanism of Goss grains was sketched. With the help of electron back scattering diffraction techniques and field emission microscope, the misorientation and the precipitation environment of Goss grains in conventional grain-oriented steel were observed and investigated at the initial stage of secondary recrystallization. It reveals that the abnormal Goss grains have a high fraction of high angle range ranging from 25 to 40 deg. The most important observation is that some of {110} <001> grains in matrix indicated higher particle density than their neighbor grains during final annealing at 875 ° C before secondary recrystallization, which could Based on misorientation and precipitation results, the abnormal growth mechanism of Goss grains was sketched.
20 0 2年 9月 11日至 9月 14日微波电磁兼容第六届全国学术会议在西部城市银川举行 ,会议由中国电子学会微波分会主办 ,由宁夏大学物理电气信息学院和北京理工大学信息科学技
1990年 ,当《正大综艺》节目开播时 ,我的心灵被震撼了。固然 ,我喜爱它的节目 ,但是 ,它最吸引我的是它的舞台。那是一个崭新的世界 ,拥有众多我欣赏的主持人 :从清纯机智的杨澜
全国高等学校电子技术研究会理事会扩大会议 ,于 7月 8~ 1 2日在杭州电子工业学院召开。出席会议的代表共 3 8人。开幕式上 ,理事长阎石致开幕词 ,并作了理事会的工作报告。杭