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了解天津市健康人群人肠道病毒71型(EV-A71)中和抗体动态变化,为手足口病防控提供依据。2009~2015年共采集5 654名天津市健康人的血清进行EV-A71中和抗体测定,结果提示EV-A71中和抗体总阳性率为82.03%,5岁及以下年龄组的抗体阳性率最低为68.28%,随着年龄增长,抗体阳性率逐年增加。不同年份、不同区域、不同年龄组间的抗体阳性率差异均有统计学意义。以健康人群EV-A71中和抗体阳性率作为应变量,对健康人群的卫生习惯及环境等进行Logistic回归分析,发现半年内未有医院出入史和饭前洗手是保护性因素。EVA71中和抗体阳性率与病原阳性率呈负相关,第一年的抗体阳性率高,第二年的EV-A71病原阳性率则低。5岁及以下儿童和流动人口较多地区应作为手足口病防控的重点,EV-A71抗体阳性率可以做为估测下一年度EV-A71引起EV-A71手足口病流行趋势的依据。 To understand the dynamic changes of neutralizing antibodies against human enterovirus 71 (EV-A71) in healthy population in Tianjin and to provide evidence for prevention and control of HFMD. A total of 5 654 healthy volunteers were collected from 2009 to 2015 to determine the neutralizing antibody of EV-A71. The results showed that the positive rate of neutralizing antibody in EV-A71 was 82.03%, and the lowest in 5 years old and below 68.28%, with the increase of age, antibody positive rate increased year by year. The positive rates of antibody in different years, different regions and different age groups were statistically significant. Taking the positive rate of neutralizing antibody of EV-A71 in healthy population as the dependent variable, Logistic regression analysis was conducted on the health habits and environment of healthy people. It was found that there was no protective factor for hospital history and washing hands before meals within six months. The positive rate of neutralizing antibody in EVA71 was negatively correlated with the positive rate of pathogen, the positive rate of antibody in the first year was high, and the positive rate of EV-A71 in the second year was low. The prevalence of EV-A71 antibody in children younger than 5 years of age and with more floating population should be the focus of hand-foot-mouth disease prevention and control. The positive rate of EV-A71 antibody can be used as the basis to estimate the epidemic trend of EV-A71 hand-foot-mouth disease in the next year.
德惠市是典型的农业大县,是“中国松花江大米之乡”、 “中国肉鸡之乡”、“中国肉牛之乡”,是国家“高优高农业示范区”、“出口禽肉质量安全示范区”和“食品安全示范县”,盛产玉米、大豆,畜牧业比较发达。近年来,在深入实施“三动”战略、“三化”统筹推进过程中,德惠市站在转变农业经济发展方式、推进现代农业发展,促进县域经济不断跃升的高度,始终坚持用工业化思维谋划农业,用项目带动促进产业拉动,充分依托本地的农
1.有机糜子生产栽培技术  1.1基地选择 基地需要空气清洁,无污染源,大气质量符合有机农产品基地大气质量标准。灌溉水清洁无污染,符合有机农产品基地水质标准。土壤符合有机农产品基地土壤质量标准。  1.2品种选择 针对气候特点和土壤状况,选用抗逆性较强,耐瘠薄的品种,如宁糜10号、龙黍23号、粘丰7号,一般每亩产量可达300~350kg。  1.3选茬整地 糜子对茬口反应特别敏感,应避免重迎茬种植
1.有机肥料对土壤pH值的影响  土壤pH值主要取决于土壤溶液中氢离子的浓度,氢离子多来源于吸附型Al3+以及土壤生物呼吸作用产生的CO2溶于水后形成碳酸和有机质降解产生的有机酸。土壤pH值的高低不仅与土壤组成有关,还受外界因素如施肥、作物种类的影响。不同种类的有机肥所含糖类、纤维素、半纤维素、蛋白质、有机酸等也有差别,对土壤pH值会产生不同的影响。施用生物有机肥料,能够使土壤物理性质得到一定的改