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文庙建筑作为最具文化特征的祭祀建筑系统,是我国古代文化遗产中极其重要的组成部分。中原地区文庙建筑遗存众多、历史久远、分布广泛、规制严谨、工艺精湛。从营建年代上,有始建于东汉明帝永平年间(58~75年)的郑州文庙。从建筑规模上,郏县文庙布局严谨、格局宏大,居全国文庙建筑前列。从营造特点上,不仅体现河南古建筑地方手法高超技艺,而且各自反映了其建筑地域不同的建筑特点。 As the worshiping building system with the most cultural characteristics, the temple construction is an extremely important part of ancient Chinese cultural heritage. There are many relics of the Confucian Temple in the Central Plains, with a long history, extensive distribution, rigorous regulation and exquisite workmanship. From the establishment of the era, there was built in the Eastern Han Dynasty Yongping years (58 ~ 75 years) Zhengzhou Confucian Temple. From the construction scale, Juxian Temple layout rigorous, the pattern of ambitious, ranking the forefront of the national temple architecture. From the characteristics to create, not only reflects the superb skills of ancient architecture in Henan Province, but also reflects the different architectural features of its construction area.
百姓装潢的设计师刘宁擅长简欧风格,专注于室内设计8年,觉得室内设计最重要的是合理的空间利用,具备优良的审美观点、绘画功底和规划能力,熟练掌握房屋结构知识,熟练运用人体工程学理论。  这次为客户设计的是一款波希米亚的复古混搭风。本案业主是一个热衷于手工工艺并且追求较高生活品质的人,从客厅的玫红色垂帘流苏到由软木拼接的背景墙甚至是笔筒、挂件、灯具都是出自心灵手巧的客户之手。也说明了设计师与客户之间形成