The Most Meaningful Handmade Card

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  My name is Anne. When I was 9 years old, I received my first handmade card. It was from one of my classmates. He had just moved to New Jersey from South Korea. He had a hard time adjusting(适应)to his new school, and I helped him. He wanted to show his appreciation(欣赏,感激) but didn’t know how to express himself. So he made me a card. It was a folded (折叠的)piece of paper from his notebook, with a picture he’d drawn on the front. There were only a few sentences inside but those words meant a lot to me at the time.
  Since then, I have known how special handmade cards can be. They take time and effort to make and feel very personal. Like photographs can be stored and looked back on. I think you can make your own unique(獨一无二的)card with supplies you have at home. Or you can buy a card from a store. The most important thing of a card is the message you write inside.
  Do you know how to write the message in a handmade card? The following steps can give you some help.
  The first step is to think of a person for whom you’d like to make a card. Will you give it to a friend or a family member? Or is it for someone you don’t know that well but who might need a little encouragement?
  Next, think about what kind of card you’d like to make. There are many types: Thank-you cards, congratulations cards, holiday cards, and I’m-sorry cards.
  Now it’s time to gather your thoughts. For me, this is the hardest but most rewarding part. A big tip for writing a card is to keep the person you’re making it for in mind while you work. You can ask yourself some questions while writing: What are your favorite memories of that person? What do you appreciate most about him or her? Your words can be as sweet or as funny as you want. If they’re personal, the message will be special.
  Last, sign your name at the bottom. Don’t forget to include the date, in case the recipient keeps the card to reread sometime far in the future.
  It can be hard to put your feelings into words. But getting a handmade card or letter can make someone who needs it feel appreciated.
  1. How old was Anne when she received her first handmade card?
  2. Why did Anne’s classmate give her a handmade card?
  3. What does Anne think is the most important thing of a card?
  4. Where is the right place to sign the name inside the card?
  5. What’s the passage mainly about?
  1. Nine. / 9 years old.
  2. Because she helped him. / Because he wanted to show his appreciation.
  3. The message people write inside.
  4. At the bottom.
  5. Anne’s story/experience of receiving a handmade card and how to write the message in a handmade card.
编者的话:在中国的许多家庭中,父母习惯于将对孩子的爱化作无微不至的照顾,很少说“我爱你”;同样,在缺乏把爱说出来的环境下长大的孩子,通常会把对父母的感恩之情深藏于心底,羞于表达。其实,语言有着巨大的魅力,如果你爱你的父母,请勇敢地对他们说出“我爱你”,或许这样能够更好地化解和父母之间的矛盾,让亲子关系更加融洽。  成长故事  期中考试过后,学校召开了家长会。  在学校的大礼堂里,很多同学在不断地张
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1. 如圖1,等腰直角三角形ABC中,AB = AC,ED⊥AB且平分AB,AE⊥EF,点F在BC上,求证:AE = EF.   [A][E][D][F][B][C]  图1  2.如图2,等腰直角三角形ABC中,D为斜边AB的中点,DE⊥DF,G在BC上,∠DEA = ∠DEG,求证:GE = GF.   [A][E][D][F][B][C][G]  图2  3.如图3,已知△
【风采聚焦】  我是2020 年毕业于锦州市第八中学的刘乙,现就读于锦州中学。我的中考总分为593.2分,排在锦州市第33名。其中,语文98分,数学120分,英语99分,物理、化学共138分,道德与法治、历史共58.8分,生物、地理共59.4分,体育20分。  【学霸师团】  年组长:李玉江 班主任:张 晴  【高分锦囊】  一、认真听,记笔记  我的学习经验是上课时一定要集中注意力认真听讲,跟上
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在学习英语的过程中,我们常遇到only与其他词或结构搭配来表达不同意思的用法,现将这些用法示例如下:  一、only引导的词组或句子放在句首作状语时,通常要用倒装结构。如:  Only in this way can you solve the problem.  只有通过这种方式,你才能解决问题。  二、not only...(but also)出现在句首时,如果连接的是两个句子,常用倒装。如:
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一切物体都具有内能,做功和热传递是改变物体内能的两种方式。那么,怎么判断是哪种方式改变物体内能的呢?下面通过3道中考题加以分析。  例1(2020·山东·泰安)下面是研究黑点标注的物体内能改变的情景,通过做功使物体内能增加的是( )。  A.把铁丝反复弯折,弯折处变热 B.把钢球放入炉火中,烧一段时间  C.冬天,用热水袋对手进行取暖 D.水烧开时,水蒸气将壶盖顶起  解析:把铁丝反复弯折,
温度、热量、内能是初中物理热学中三个重要的物理量,它们之间既有联系又有区别。下面结合例题厘清三者之间的关系。  例1(2020·江苏·无锡)关于内能,下列说法中正确的是( )。  A.0 ℃的冰块没有内能  B.物体内能大小与温度无关  C.热量总是从内能大的物体向内能小的物体转移  D.金属汤勺放在热汤中,温度升高,这是通过热传递的方式改变内能  解析:一切物体在任何时候都具有内能,内能大小跟