驴在皖西丘陵是稀有动物。当它第一次出现在小街搬运站里的时候,我们就被这个长着一对大耳朵性情执拗而又温和的家伙征服了。从拴驴的驴屋直到它被套上颈轭准备拉板车上路,我们始终围着它转,就像一群挥之不去的苍蝇。经过仔细观察,我们得出的一致结论是:驴是一种用其它动物拼凑起来的无中生有的怪物:兔耳、马脸、马蹄、骡身子、牛尾巴,而完全属于它自己的东西几乎只剩下了一样——它那独特的任何其它动物都无法模仿的叫声。“驴一鸣,虎大骇”。我们刚在课文里念过柳宗元的句子,生活中就亲耳听到了驴的寓意深长的鸣叫。 那时的板车是农村乡镇主要的运输工具。一两千斤的重载,再遇上爬坡,常常迫使整个车队停下。所有的搬运工都集中起来推车,一张一张地往上推,
Donkey in West Anhui hills are rare animals. When it first appeared in the main street terminal, we were conquered by this dull, moderate guy with a pair of big ears. From donkey house donkey until it was put on the neck yoke ready to pull the car on the road, we always turn around it, like a group of lingering flies. After careful observation, we came to the conclusion that the donkey is a mere creature pieced together with other animals: rabbit ears, horse face, horseshoe, mule body, ox tail, and it is almost exclusively left with its own Under the same - it is unique that any other animal can not imitate the call. “Donkey Yat Ming, tiger horrified.” We just read Liu Zongyuan’s sentence in the text, earning earnestly heard donkey’s tweet in his life. The trolley at that time was the main means of transport in rural towns. One or two kilos of heavy load, and then encounter climbing, often forcing the entire team stopped. All the porters are concentrated carts, push up one by one,