批量发放系统监测和记录粮库火车发放期间,连续称重的每一秤粮食重量以及发放进每节车厢的粮食累计重量等数据.该文选用工控软件ForceControl在国内首次实现了与荷兰PRECIA-MOLEN公司ABS自动散料称控制器Mascon-2的通讯、数据采集,利用工控软件与FoxPro的DDE功能,在FoxPro中形成要求的数据库,具体的实现了世界银行贷款粮食中转库招标书中的有关技术要求.“,”The batch distribution management system in grain transfer depot continue weighs grain and add to data such as grain weigh of distributed per railway wagon and so on, While hatch distribution management system supervise and record distribute the train in the graindepot. This article described industry control software Force control, It achieved communication and data acquisition with ABS automatic controller Mascon-2 of weighing balk cargo, we use industry control software and DDE function of Foxpro software. In the Foxpro software can generate desired Database. It successfully accomplish relevant technology specification in tender for project of grain transger depot of the world bank loan organization.