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大庆石油管理局是一个有20多万职工的大型企业。管理局对专用基金的管理实行宏观控制,贯彻专款专用,先提后用,量入为出,以丰补欠的原则,并给各单位下达开支限额。具体管理办法由各二级单位自行制订,不完全一致。现将井下作业公司的管理办法简要介绍如下: 井下作业公司是一个有数千人的野外施工单位,公司在专用基金的管理上,首先注重向职工宣传勤俭办企业,宣传大庆艰苦创业精神,树立过几年紧日子的思想,得到广大职工的理解与支持。公司党政工齐抓共管,领导亲自抓,把这项工作提到公司议事日程上,做为年度的重点工作来抓。公司的专用基金开支计划,年初在财务预算中就作了规定,预算通过后,再将指标进行纵横分解,以指令性指标下达。将指标纵向分解到分公司、小队、横向 Daqing Petroleum Administration is a large enterprise with over 200,000 workers. The Authority exercises macro-control over the management of special purpose funds and carries out the earmarking only for the purpose of earmarking and putting aside for the purpose of supplementing the principle of default and giving the expenditure limit to each unit. The specific management measures shall be formulated by each secondary unit independently, which is not entirely the same. Now downhole operations company management practices are as follows: Downhole operations company is a thousands of people in the field of construction units, the company in the management of special funds, first of all pay attention to the promotion of workers thrifty to do business to promote Daqing hard work pioneering spirit, establish After a few years of tight-knit thinking, get the understanding and support of the majority of workers. Party and government workers make concerted efforts, the leaders personally grasp the work mentioned on the company’s agenda, as the annual focus of work to grasp. The company’s special fund spending plan, early in the financial budget was made, the budget passed, and then vertical and horizontal decomposition of indicators, ordered by the directives. Longitudinal indicators will be broken down into branches, squads, horizontal
年仅24岁的“娃娃王”布罗林,是瑞典队的头号球星。早在1992年欧洲杯赛上,由于他表现出色,而受到足坛行家们的赞誉。 Only 24 years old, “Doll King” Brolin, Sweden’s
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30个日日夜夜、52场足球大战,着实让国人过了把“隔岸观火”的瘾。兴奋之余,国人不禁扪心自问:中国足球怎么办? 说来也怪,世界足球大战堪称教学的大课堂,而学习不佳的中国足
2006年以来,我国腐败在几年内呈现出级别越来越高、涉案金额越来越大、群蛀现象严重的三大发展趋势。2009年这些趋势继续显示的同时, Since 2006, corruption in our countr