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The SmF<sub>2.01</sub>was synthesized by reducing SmF<sub>3</sub> in H<sub>2</sub> stream.As it was doped inKM<sub>g</sub>F<sub>3</sub> and KCaF<sub>3</sub>.the
ESR measurements using spin trapping technique werecarried out for β-carotene-halobenzene system under UV lightirradiation.The ESR spectra observed in the pres
【正】这次征文,我们觉得很好:题目有意义;这种活动也很有必要。 我们看了一部分来稿,有三点感想: 一、参加征文的同志在写作上是很认真的。这不象平日作文,这次面对着“真”
【正】学生问:电大八八届毕业生指的是哪一级,范围包括那些科、类专业? 答:电大八八届毕业生指的是参加电大八五级文科各专业、八五级党政干部专修科(半脱产学习)以及八六级
Four new sesquiterpenes were isolated from the roots of Ligularia virgaurea, and identified as furanomexicanane-9-ene-8-one(1), 9β, 10β-epoxyfuranomexicanane-
Five new diterpenes were isolated from Euphorbia sieboldianaand identified as atis-16-en-13(S)-hydroxy-3,14-dione(Ⅰ),atis-16-en-14-oxo-13(S),3 β-diol(Ⅱ),atis
A rare nor-sesquiterpenoid with a γ-spirolactone, pathyiactone A(1), was isolated from the soft coral Paralemnalia thysoides. The structure and absolute stereo
A stereocontrolled construction of the side chain of brassinclide and homobrassinolide has been achieved via the tandem vicinal dialkylation of the pyranone moi