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产业升级是经济发展的永恒主题,而要素配置结构是产业升级的微观特征。本文在对要素进行初级要素、资本要素与高级要素进行分类的基础上,根据产业升级所需要素配置的不同结构,把产业升级分为产业初级升级、产业资本升级与产业高级升级,并对这三者的内涵及其之间的联系与区别进行剖析后指出,产业升级的过程是具有“互补互促”效应的要素在具有“互补互促”效应的网络中彼此之间相互配置的过程。亚洲“四小龙”产业升级的要素配置机理决定了其产业升级模式是一种渐进式的产业升级模式,对于中国,可以选择一条加速式的产业升级路径。 Industrial upgrading is the eternal theme of economic development, and factor configuration structure is the micro-characteristics of industrial upgrading. On the basis of classifying the primary elements, capital elements and senior elements, this paper divides the industrial upgrading into the primary industrial upgrading, the industrial capital upgrading and the advanced industrial upgrading according to the different structure of the factors needed for industrial upgrading, The connotation of the three and the connection and difference between them are analyzed. It is pointed out that the process of industrial upgrading is that the elements that have the effect of “complementarity and reciprocity” interact with each other in the network with the effect of “complementarity and reciprocity” Configuration process. The key factor in the industrial upgrading of Asia is that the industrial upgrading mode is a gradual industrial upgrading mode. For China, we can choose an accelerated industrial upgrading path.
因为演唱古风歌曲,重庆00后萌妹子晓雅,凭借独特的嗓音在网上蹿红,出道不到两年,便俘获百万粉丝。由她演唱的《采茶纪》等原创歌曲的播放量已突破千万,并“火”出国门,被日本网友誉为“最大唐感中国女声”!此外,她还应邀演唱了《龙之谷》的主题曲,2017年1月中旬,正在录制的新歌是网游《倩女幽魂2》的主题音乐。在这个大众并不太熟悉的古风音乐领域,横空出世的她,到底是如何成功的?  高二小女生,翻唱古风歌曲
“祖父是大孝天下,我则是大孝祖父,也大孝天下”生活在美国夏威夷的孙穗芳博士,如今已是80高龄。几十年来,她每月在美丽舒适的夏威夷其实住不了多久,因为大部分时间,她要到世界各地去弘扬祖父孙中山的思想。  童年不幸,但唯一慰藉是长得像“钱”  孙中山有4个孙女,分别是孙科的3个夫人所生。由于其母在孙家没有身份,四姐妹中,只有孙穗芳从童年一直悲伤到青年,直到30岁才见到生父,认祖归宗。  孙穗芳生母严霭