one of Mao Zedong's most Widely knownand often quoted slogans perfectly encapsulateshis philosophy of confrontation:It is a delightto Struggle With Heaven and Earth.Obviously,people no longer see things in quite that way.In 2007.for the first time in the history of theCommunist Party of China(CPC).the notion ofan"ecological Civilization"Was included in itsadminiStrative program.making the construc-tion of an environmentally friendly Society acornerstone of China's long-term developmentStrategy.In September 2008, the China Ecologi-Cal Culture Association Was founded.Comprisedof 12 branches-Such as forest culture,grasslandculture and desert Culture-itS aim iS to"devel-op an ecological culture, promote a green envi-ronment and build an ecological civilization."