一 1986年底世界建筑杂志社召开“国际建筑设计竞赛获奖者座谈会”时,与会代表就提出了将获奖方案汇编成册的建议。由于种种原因,事隔三年多才完成了这项工作。在此期间,又有不少同志在国际竞赛中获奖,这就大大丰富了这本作品集的内容,并且使它在时间跨度上成为八十年代我国建筑师在国际竞赛中获奖的一份比较完整的记录。据不完全统计,1980至89这十年中,我国建筑师、美术家和建筑院校师生共165人次,在一些外国和国际机构举办的50次国际建筑设计竞赛中,获得了85项奖,其中包
At the end of 1986, when the World Architecture Magazine held the “International Architecture Design Competition Winners Symposium”, the delegates proposed to compile the winning proposal into a book. For various reasons, this work was completed more than three years later. During this period, many comrades won awards in international competitions, which greatly enriched the contents of this collection and made it a time-span to be a comparison of Chinese architects’ awards in international competitions in the 1980s. Complete records. According to incomplete statistics, during the 1980-89 decade, Chinese architects, artists, and teachers and students of architectural schools totaled 165 people, and won 85 awards in 50 international architectural competitions held by foreign and international institutions. Of which