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始于50年代的广播电视行业的管理体制基本上是按照前苏联模式发展起来的,其主要特点是“统一内容,统一财务,统一人事,统一分配,免费享用”。随着改革开放的不断深化,这些传统模式的弊端越来越明显。突出的矛盾是,不能适应改革开放和社会经济发展,对广电事业的需要经费来源严重不足,国家财政无力负担。为了解决这个矛盾,同我国的经济改革走了一条市场化的道路一样,上海广电系统大胆引进了一些市场经济的运作方式和管理办法,从而使上海广电事业获得了前所未有的活力。上海广播电视走产业化的发展道路,经历了三个 The management system of the radio and television industry that started in the 1950s basically developed in accordance with the former Soviet Union model. Its main feature is “unification of contents, unification of finance, unification of personnel, unification of distribution and free enjoyment.” With the deepening of reform and opening up, the drawbacks of these traditional models are becoming more and more obvious. Outstanding contradictions are that we can not meet the requirements of reform and opening up as well as social and economic development, and the sources of funding for the needs of radio and television businesses are seriously insufficient and the state finance can not afford it. In order to solve this contradiction, like China’s economic reform has taken a market-oriented approach, Shanghai Radio and Television System boldly introduced some market economy mode of operation and management practices, so that the cause of Shanghai Radio and Television has gained unprecedented vitality. Shanghai radio and television take the industrialization of the development path, has gone through three
This study covers a short time span starting from 1978,the year when the Reform and Opening-up was initiated in mainland China,up to 2014.During the past thirty
本研究以烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.K 326)为材料,在砂培条件下研究了不同形态氮素并结合使用外源ABA和6-BA对烟草生长、水分吸收和蒸腾、养分吸收和分布以及钾在烟株体内循环的影响。主要结果如下: 设硝态氮、硝酸铵、铵态氮、铵态氮+6-BA四个处理。处理12天后,铵态氮处理表现出明显的氨毒害症状,与硝态氮处理相比,干物重净增量降低了57.8%。硝态氮和硝酸铵处理烟株的水
The travels of Song Yun and his party,the envoys of the Northe Wei dynasty,on their mission to the West,as recorded in Luoyang Qielan Ji (ch.5)1,provides import
With growing interests in the studies of global history,scholars around the world have since the 1970s increasingly focused their attentions on the relationship
It is pointed out by the Chinese leadership that,despite numerous frameworks for Asia-Pacific economic cooperation,a regional security architecture that suits t