影人相聚,总是海阔天空,地北天南,时下,侃得最多的可能就数关乎人体摄影的话题了。摄影圈是最讲潮流的,谁还没拍人体,谁就没入流,谁让摄影圈正流行人体摄影热呢!“拍人体了吗?”“还没拍!”每每问及,言语中就会流露出些许遗憾。 拍人体难!难在人体模特难找。眼下如火如荼的人体彩绘热总算帮了吾辈的大忙,为一心想拍人体的摄影爱好者提供了拍摄“人体”的绝好机会。 人体彩绘已是时下街头巷尾最为流行的词汇之一。无论是春寒料峭的阳春三月。还是万物萧疏的冬季,人体彩绘总以艺术的名义,在完全公开的的场合赤裸裸的走向大庭广众,一时间,观者如堵。
The film together, always a brighter future, to the north and south, nowadays, the most ridiculous number may concern the topic of human photography. Photo circle is the most talked about fashion, who have not shot the body, who did not inflow, who let photography circles are popular body photography hot yet! “Pat body yet?” “Not shot!” Whenever asked, words will be revealed a little regret. Pat human difficult! Difficult to find in human body model. Now in full swing human body heat of painting finally helped our generation of busy, for the one who wanted to shoot the human body photography enthusiasts filming “human” a perfect opportunity. Body painting is now one of the most popular vocabulary in the streets. Whether it is spring chilly spring March. Or all things Xiao Shu winter, body painting always in the name of art, in a completely open occasion naked to the public, for a time, the viewer is blocked.