我深爱校园里的幽香和繁荫。千思万念所系,惟一个“绿”字了得。 暑往寒来,这方绝佳净土,始终保持着怡人的清雅。春之萋萋,夏之荫浓,秋之空灵,冬之青苍,绿之魂深情地依偎在层楼之间,留下一派“四时有不谢之花,八节有长青之草”的景象。 徜徉在悠悠小径,极目望去,树的世界,花的海洋,令人生出许多遐想。 劲松泰然挺立。雪松伟岸,塔松敦厚,油松矫健,白皮松雄
I love the fragrance and shade on campus. Think of thousands of thoughts, the only “green” word amazing. Summer to the cold, this area excellent Pure Land, always maintain a pleasant elegant. Spring 萋 萋, the shade of summer, ethereal autumn, winter green, green soul affectionately nestled in the floor, leaving behind a “four not to thank the flower, eight grass with evergreen,” the scene.徜 徉 In the long trail, looking forward to, the world of trees, flowers of the ocean, it makes a lot of reverie. Jinsong calmly stand upright. Cedar stalwart, tower pine thick, pine robust, white pine male