浙江监狱告急 浙江是一个位于东海之滨的省份。这几年领改革开放风气之先,这里的经济蒸蒸日上,一时这里豪杰云集。林子大了,自然什么鸟都有。在这些人中鱼龙混杂,既有能工巧匠,为浙江经济的发展作出贡献者,也有一些不学无术的人,干些偷鸡摸狗的不法勾当,更有甚者想走捷径,干起了坑蒙拐骗、杀人放火、拦路抢劫、偷盗越货的勾当。一时间浙江省的犯罪率,尤其是外来人口的犯罪率直线上升,监狱爆满。 押犯的剧增给关押带来了诸多问题。收容困难,囚犯住所紧张,警力严重不足,改造费用直线上升。
Zhejiang prison emergency Zhejiang is located in the East China Sea coast provinces. In the past few years leading the trend of reform and opening up, where the economy is booming, temporary gathering of masters here. The big woods, what the natural birds have. In these people quite a mixed bag, both skilled craftsmen, contribute to the economic development of Zhejiang, there are some people who do not learn without skill, do some unscrupulous activities, even more want to take a shortcut, did a swindling, killing Arson, highway robbery, theft of more cargo activities. For a time, the crime rate in Zhejiang Province, especially the crime rate of immigrants, plummeted and the prison was full. The dramatic increase in prisoners has created many problems for detention. Difficulty in accommodation, intimidation of prisoners’ dwellings, serious lack of police force, and straight-up cost of renovation.