患者,女,68岁,无诱因出现左小腿中段疼痛、呈持续性隐痛,活动后更甚,痛点固定,无放射性,痛处肿胀,隆起且逐渐增大,活动受限。 查:左小腿中段胫骨前明显隆起,大小约为3.0×3.0×2.0cm,周围皮肤红肿,有灼热感。 X线检查:左胫骨中段见一约3.0×0.8cm大小的类椭园形骨质缺损,边缘清楚,骨质破坏后内有少数骨嵴,无骨膜反应及软组织肿块。诊断意见:左胫骨中这段骨脓肿,末排除骨肿瘤。经外科手术切除和病理检查,诊断为恶性肿瘤,考虑转移性鳞癌。后作全胸片检查
The patient, female, 68 years old, had no cause of pain in the middle leg of the left leg, sustained persistent pain, even more after the activity, fixed pain points, no radiation, swelling of the pain, bulging and gradually increased, limited mobility. Check: The middle humerus of the left calf is significantly raised, and the size is about 3.0 × 3.0 × 2.0cm. The surrounding skin is red and swollen with a burning sensation. X-ray examination: An oval-shaped bone defect with an approximate size of 3.0 x 0.8 cm was seen in the middle segment of the left tibia. The edge was clear. After the bone destruction, there were few osteophytes, no periosteal reaction and soft tissue mass. Diagnosis opinion: The bone abscess in the left tibia is used to exclude bone tumors. After surgical resection and pathological examination, diagnosed as malignant, consider metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. Posterior chest X-ray examination