一、前言薄荷(Mentha haplocalyx Briq.)是唇形科宿根草本。我国民间栽培薄荷有悠久历史,一向用作医药和香料。建国以前,除内销外,有少量薄荷油、脑出口,种植的品种只是一般的农家种,如在江苏地区主要有“小叶黄”、“紫薄荷”、“水晶薄荷”和“黄薄荷”等。建国以后、种植地区由江苏扩大到江西、安徽、河南、四川、浙江,陕西等省。薄荷的加工工业也随之蓬勃发展。全国所产薄荷原油由建国前夕(1949年)的300吨、增加到1985年的12,OOO吨以上,是建国前的四十倍。不仅满足了国内医药、日
I. Preface Mint (Mentha haplocalyx Briq.) Is a labiatae perennial herb. Mint culture of our country has a long history and has always been used as medicine and spices. Before the founding of the PRC, in addition to domestic sales, a small amount of peppermint oil, brain export, the cultivation of species is only a general farmhouse species, such as in Jiangsu Province are mainly “lobular yellow”, “purple peppermint”, “crystal peppermint” and “peppermint” and so on . After the founding of New China, the planting areas were expanded from Jiangsu to Jiangxi, Anhui, Henan, Sichuan, Zhejiang and Shaanxi provinces. Mint processing industry also will flourish. Peppermint oil produced in the country increased from 300 tons on the eve of the founding of the People’s Republic (1949) to over 12,000 tons in 1985, which was 40 times that before the founding of the People’s Republic. Not only to meet the domestic medicine, Japan