10月8日,苏富比香港秋季艺术品拍卖会圆满落下帷幕,总成交额高达13亿港元,结果远超预期,其中,清乾隆御制紫檀木雕八宝云蝠纹“水波云龙”宝座更以8578万港币的天价打破中国家具世界拍卖纪录。就在这场具有风向标意义的拍卖会之前,美国彭博通讯社(Bloomberg News)记者Le-Min Lim撰写了本文,通过对摩根斯坦利亚太指数与拍卖公司委托客户数量变化趋势分析,同时比较金融信贷危机下欧美与亚洲市场的差异,得出亚洲艺术品市场尤其是古董市场正在强势反弹的结论(原文内容在翻译过程中略有删节)。
On October 8, Sotheby’s Hong Kong Autumn Auction of Art was successfully concluded with a total turnover of HK $ 1.3 billion. The result far exceeded expectations. Among them, the Qing Emperor Qianlong’s red sandalwood carving Baba Cloud Bat pattern The throne more to 85.78 million Hong Kong dollars astronomical price to break the Chinese furniture auction world record. Just ahead of the weather-winning auction, Bloomberg News reporter Le-Min Lim wrote this article by analyzing trends in the number of clients commissioned by the Morgan Stanley Index and the auction company while comparing financial credit Under the crisis, the differences between Europe and the United States and Asian markets lead to the conclusion that the Asian art market, especially the antique market, is rebounding strongly.