At present, the goal of soybean breeding in the Soviet Union mainly focuses on high-yielding and stable production while also paying attention to the choice of high-protein and high-oil content. Due to the adoption of modern cultivation techniques and directional cultivation of hybrid offspring under different ecological conditions, in recent years, the most suitable growing period and the early maturing and quick-maturing varieties with low temperature requirements have been selected; Grassland crop and leisure grain with fast-growing high-yield varieties; suitable for mechanized cultivation and resistance to prevalence of pests and diseases of the popular species. Main resistance to unfavorable factors in high-yielding breeding and plant adaptability to the most appropriate strain. To study the ways to improve the genetic potential of yield, we studied the effect of per pod grain number, grain weight, effective node number, mature pod Number and pod does not crack and other traits, and pay attention to choose anti-lodging and anti-stem, pod parts of high, mature and tidy