朱广玉无疑是一个成功者! 金秋的桂子香沁杭州城,’95全国五文化商品交易会在如诗如画的西子湖畔拉开帷幕。他从苏北风尘扑扑地赶来。半年了,呕心沥血,废寝忘食,为的就是这一天。交易会就是考场,家乡父老乡亲和全厂一千多职工的期待,沉甸甸地落在他的肩上。他用颤抖的双手打开了包装箱,一辆又一辆自行车,扬州奥迪特种减震自行车厂,第一次在全国性的大型交易会上,把自己的骄子——“佳佳”牌
Zhu Guangyu is undoubtedly a winner! Jin Qiu’s Gui Zi Xiang’s Hangzhou City, “95 National Five Cultural Merchandise Fair opened on the banks of the picturesque West Lake. He rushed from the dust blowing in the north of Jiangsu. For six months, it has taken pains and pains to eat and eat for the rest of the day. The trade fair was the examination room, the hometown of the hometown of the father and the whole family and more than a thousand employees. It fell on his shoulders. He opened the packing box with trembling hands, another bicycle, Yangzhou Audi special shock-absorbing bicycle factory, for the first time in the national large-scale trade fair, his own pride - “Jia Jia” brand