APEC 之后的上海,风华达到顶峰,并且有越来越盛之势,台湾的各行各业也争先恐后地抢上上海滩,想抢搭这顺风车,沾沾大上海的繁华。远从华盛顿赶到上海开会的布什总统,在上海和江泽民开记者招待会时坦承自己二十六年前曾来过上海,而这期间上海的改变,让他吃惊。任何经济繁盛、商业活动频繁的地区,各种公关广告活动也自然丰富,上海也不例外。今日的上海,想必也充斥着各色公关活动,APEC 就是个绝佳的例
After the APEC, Shanghai has its peak of luxury and growing potential. Taiwan’s various trades and industries are scrambling to grab onto the beach and want to grab the ride and the prosperity of Shanghai. President Bush, who has been rushing up from Washington to a meeting in Shanghai, admitted at a press conference in Shanghai and Jiang Zemin that he had come to Shanghai twenty-six years ago, and that the change in Shanghai surprised him. In any area with prosperous economy and frequent business activities, various public relations advertising activities are also naturally rich, and Shanghai is no exception. Today’s Shanghai, presumably also filled with colored public relations activities, APEC is an excellent example