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为了交流砂錫矿勘探經驗,並討論204矿区远景評价及勘探方法問題,湖南分局订於三月五日在204队主持召开砂錫矿地質勘探工作經驗交流会。会期定为六天,屆时广东,云南,江西等分局都將派工程技术人員参加。会議的主要內容有:①308矿区砂矿成因及勘探方法的經驗介紹;②308矿区金属测量的經驗;③204矿区砂矿勘探經驗介紹;④对204矿区砂矿勘探工作的意见等技术报告。 In order to exchange experiences on exploration of sand and tin ore and to discuss the prospect evaluation and exploration method of 204 mining area, Hunan Branch is scheduled to hold a seminar on geological exploration of sand and tin ore at 204 Team on March 5. The meeting is scheduled for six days, when Guangdong, Yunnan, Jiangxi and other branches will send engineers and technicians to attend. The main contents of the meeting are as follows: ①308 mining sand cause and exploration methods of experience introduction; ②308 mining area metal measurement experience; ③204 mining sand exploration experience introduction; ④ 204 mine exploration work opinions and other technical reports.
本文介绍双矿块留矿法采场矿柱的回采方法,用此种方法提高了矿石回收率。东科温拉德矿床埋藏于科温拉德地区的黑云母花岗岩中。矿脉为急倾斜 This paper introduces the min
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New fossil collections in the Lanongla area, Tibetan Himalaya enables the establishment of the Upper Jurassic ammonoidsuccession. Middle Oxfordian ammonite-fau
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本文根据采金船的性能和设备的特点,对采金船进行了分类,并分析了各类采金船的优缺点和使用条件。 Based on the performance of the gold mining vessel and the character