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在素质教育背景下,小学体育教学占据重要地位和发挥重要作用,既教会学生掌握体育技能,又促进小学生有效进行体育锻炼,提高身体素质。但是,由于小学体育教学的枯燥乏味性,降低了学生的学习兴趣,不利于小学体育教学的更好开展。情境教学法在小学体育教学中的运用,不仅激发了小学生的求知欲望,而且有效地调动了小学生参与体育教学活动的热情。主要论述了情境教学法在小学体育教学中的实际运用。 Under the background of quality education, PE teaching in primary schools occupies an important position and plays an important role in teaching students not only to master sports skills but also to promote their effective physical training and physical fitness. However, due to the boring nature of primary school physical education, it reduces the students’ interest in learning and is not conducive to the better development of primary school physical education. The use of situational teaching in primary school physical education has not only stimulated pupils’ desire for knowledge, but also effectively aroused their enthusiasm for participating in physical education and teaching activities. It mainly discusses the practical application of situational teaching in primary school physical education.
近期,国内销售规模最大的5家房地产公司都公布了7月份销售情况,新楼房销售均价变动也水落石出。  克而瑞数据显示,2019年国内全口径销售金额最大的5家房地产公司,从大到小依次为碧桂园、万科、中国恒大、融创中国和保利地产。其中3家最大房地产公司的销售金额,占到了全国市场成交比例的一成左右。无疑,通过梳理这些房地产巨头的销售均价变化,可管窥新房价格趋势。  今年2、3月间,国内新冠肺炎疫情严重,五大房
截至9月9日,上证指数多次上攻3459点(7月13日)高点均已失败告终,反而在9月9日距离前期低点只有一步之遥。大盘上攻失利原因众多,其中上市公司大小股东及高管减持套现导致股民心理预期被打压,恐怕是主因之一。  特别是,上述减持行为有时发生在股价严重波动之时,甚至触发严重异常波动标准。监管机构显然也意识到这一问题,要求多个相关公司停牌核查。  相比之前几个月,9月份主要股东(指上市公司大股东及发起