
来源 :大理民族文化研究论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhww123
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早在两千五百多年前,崇尚并盛行文明的东方升起了三颗智慧巨星。这三颗巨星,一颗是印度的释迦牟尼,他创立了以拔苦修道、觉悟智慧、因缘果报和涅槃解脱的思想,彻底地关注宇宙和生命的佛教;另一颗是中国的孔子,他创立了倡导以仁为中心的道德观念,主张德治,强调传统伦常关系的儒教;再一颗是中国的老子,他创立了崇尚自然,主张清静无为,反对斗争的道教。这三种智慧宗教的诞生,极大地推进了人类社会的文明进程和社会进步。 As early as 2,500 years ago, three wise superstars rose in the East that advocated and flourished civilizations. The three superstars, one from Sakyamuni, India, founded Buddhism, which paid a thorough attention to the universe and life with the ideas of asceticism, wisdom, karma and nirvana, and Confucius of China He founded the morality advocating benevolence, advocating the rule of virtue, emphasizing the Confucianism of the traditional ethical relations, and the other one being the Laozi of China. He founded the Taoism that advocates nature, advocates quietness and opposes struggle. The birth of these three kinds of wisdom and religion has greatly advanced the process of civilization and social progress in human society.
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