根据美国的一项研究结果发现,摄入纤维食物与减少结肠直肠癌的发生无明显关系。在一项前瞻性试验中,88 757名34~59岁的妇女,无癌症、肠炎或家族性息肉病史,经过16年多的跟踪观察,787名诊断为结肠直肠癌,1012名为远端结肠和直肠腺瘤。研究者说饮食中纤维一直被认为可通过稀释或吸收粪便中的致癌物质,减少结肠运送时间,改变胆汁酸代谢,减少结肠pH或增加短链脂肪酸的生成而有预防结肠直肠癌的
According to a U.S. study, no significant relationship was found between the intake of fiber food and the reduction of colorectal cancer. In a prospective trial, 88,757 women aged 34-59 had no history of cancer, enteritis, or familial polyps. After more than 16 years of follow-up observations, 787 were diagnosed with colorectal cancer and 1012 with distal colon. And rectal adenomas. The researchers said that dietary fiber has been thought to prevent colorectal cancer by diluting or absorbing carcinogens in the feces, reducing colon transit time, altering bile acid metabolism, reducing colon pH, or increasing the production of short-chain fatty acids.