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省委李强书记在全省制造业大会上强调,“要着力打造产业地标,强化省市上下联动、区域错位协同,推进特色产业集群突破,打造一批具有地方标志、领跑全国乃至全球的产业标杆。”这一令人耳目一新的目标追求,为江苏制造业发展提出了新要求、指明了新方向。产业地标代表的是一种高度,本质是一种强大的竞争力。只有某一产业具有相当的区域标志性和行业标杆性,才能称之为真正意义上的产业地标。其实, Li Qiang, secretary of the provincial party committee, emphasized at the manufacturing conference in the province that “efforts should be made to create industrial landmarks, strengthen the linkage between provinces and cities, and coordinate regional dislocations and promote breakthroughs in distinctive industrial clusters to create a number of industries with local marks and leading the nation and the world Benchmarks. ”This refreshing goal of the pursuit of manufacturing for the development of Jiangsu made new demands, pointed out a new direction. Industry landmark represents a high degree, the essence is a strong competitive edge. Only a certain industry has a considerable regional landmark and industry benchmarking can be called the real sense of the industry landmark. in fact,
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<正>Bank of China opened a private banking service in Beijing and Shanghai, the first local bank to target the growing ranks of the super rich in China. The ser
<正>Italy is a modern, industrialized nation which has managed to preserve its traditional culture intact. It is China&#39;s old friend, and its long-time trade
摘要:目的:研究有机磷农药中毒患者留置胃管反复洗胃的临床疗效。方法:采用常规电动洗胃机反复洗胃,直到洗出液完全澄清后改为留置鼻胃管。结果:50例患者均使用解毒剂。结论:有机磷农药中毒患者留置胃管反复洗胃的疗效好,治愈率高,是一种有效的方法。  关键词:有机磷农药中毒 留置胃管洗胃 护理  【中图分类号】R47【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1008-1879(2012)02-0171-01  有机磷农