The transient absorption spectra and kinetics of excited triplet state of anthraquinone derivatives 2-anthraquinonesulfonatesodium (AQS) and 2-deoxythymidine (d
Theoretical and experimental evidence of physical reality of imaginary numbers using interpretation of Ohm’s law for electrical AC circuits proposed in 1897 by
Rupture of the Achilles tendon is one of the most frequent tendon injuries in humans. However, there is no standard surgical technique thus far to reproduce com
The paper contains a geometric interpretation of Andrica’s conjecture about the gap between the square roots of the consecutive primes and brings empirical evi
The finite element method has been increasingly adopted to study the biomechanical behavior of biologic structures. Once the finite element mesh has been genera
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the wheat germ oil (WGO) and bone marrow transplantation (BMT) in boosting the immuno response and p