A few years ago, the construction machinery plant was very sluggish. In 1979, the scraper production line was introduced, the quality was not high enough, and sales could not be opened. At the end of 1983, the engineer of the plant, Hu Linquan, hooked up with the water conservancy unit, established a professional team of water conservancy and mechanization construction, supported the construction of water conservancy projects, and also tried and improved the product quality in water conservancy construction, thus opening up the market for products and developing itself. . At the end of 1983, the manufacturer of the scraper underwent enlightenment and support from the Huaihe Committee and the water conservancy departments. He equipped himself with scrapers to equip himself. He broke the boundaries of the heavy industry and established a water conservancy mechanization team. He then went to Huaiyuan County. Water conservancy bureau contracted Jingshan Lake