联合国确定的长寿地区标准是每百万人口有75位百岁老人,而江苏省如皋市145万人口中百岁老人已达172位,在全国各县(市)中位居榜首。更为重要的是,世界上其他国家闻名的长寿地区不是在高寒地带,就是在偏僻的山区,地广人稀,远离工业化污染,对经济发达地区不具借鉴意义。而如皋地处我国东部沿海工业相对发达的平原地区,靠近国际大都市上海,环境、气候条件与世界大多数人口稠密地区相近。因此,研究如皋人的长寿原因,对全世界都有普遍的借鉴意义。 参加如皋市“二十一世纪长寿论
The longevity standard set by the United Nations is 75 centenarians per million inhabitants, while the centenarians in the population of 1.45 million in Rugao City of Jiangsu Province have reached 172, ranking among the counties (cities) in the country. More importantly, the longevity areas known to other countries in the world are not in the alpine zone, or in remote mountainous areas, with sparsely populated areas and far from industrial pollution, so they will not be of any reference to economically developed areas. Rugao, on the other hand, is located in the relatively developed plains of eastern coastal areas in China. It is close to the cosmopolitan city of Shanghai. Its environment and climatic conditions are similar to those in most densely populated areas in the world. Therefore, the study of Rugao longevity reasons, the world has universal reference. To participate in Rugao "Twenty-first Century longevity theory