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目的了解2008—2012年新疆沙湾县肺结核病流行特征,为今后结核病控制提供参考依据。方法采用回顾性流行病学调查法分析2008—2012年沙湾县肺结核病疫情。结果 2008—2012年沙湾县共登记肺结核病患者821例,年均登记率78.50/10万,发病呈逐年下降的趋势;男性发病479例、占58.34%,女性发病342例、占41.66%;患者年龄分布以65岁~年龄组发病为主,185例占22.53%;职业以农民为主572例,占69.67%。结论及时分析结核病疫情,做好结核病防治工作,加强农村结核病的防治工作,规范患者管理,提高治疗水平,积极做好涂阳肺结核病密切接触者的筛查工作,做到早发现、早治疗,控制传染源是控制结核病疫情的关键。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis in Shawan County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from 2008 to 2012, and to provide a reference for the future control of tuberculosis. Methods A retrospective epidemiological investigation was conducted to analyze the TB epidemics in Shawan County from 2008 to 2012. Results A total of 821 cases of tuberculosis were registered in Shawan County from 2008 to 2012, with an average annual enrollment rate of 78.50 / 100,000. The incidence rate showed a declining trend year by year. There were 479 cases (58.34%) in men and 342 cases (41.66%) in women. The age distribution of patients was mainly in the age group of 65 years old, with 185 cases accounting for 22.53%. 572 cases were mainly farmers, accounting for 69.67%. Conclusions Timely analysis of tuberculosis epidemic, do a good job in prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, strengthen the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis in rural areas, standardize patient management and improve the level of treatment, and actively do a good job of screening for close contacts smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis, early detection, early treatment, Control of the source of infection is the key to controlling the epidemic.
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目的分析攀枝花市2008—2012年猩红热特征和流行趋势,为猩红热防治工作提供科学依据。方法根据攀枝花市2008—2012年的疫情年报资料,采用描述流行病学方法进行分析。结果 200
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