王文京(北京用友电子财务技术有限公司董事长兼总经理): 用友公司创办于1988年10月,前身是个体性质的“海淀区双榆树用友财务软件服务社”。1990年2月转为私营有限责任公司,成为国内第一家专业从事电子财务技术开发与推广的高科技企业。公司创办之初,只有两个人.办公场所只有一间租来的9平米的小房子,注册资金仅5万元。尽管起点低,但我们崇尚“从零开始、白手起家”的
Wang Wenjing (President and General Manager of Beijing UFIDA Financial Technology Co., Ltd.): Founded in October 1988 by the UF company, the predecessor of the company was the individualized “Shuang Yushu UFIDA Financial Software Service” in Haidian District. In February 1990, it became a private limited liability company and became the first high-tech enterprise specialized in the development and promotion of electronic financial technology. At the beginning of the company’s founding, there were only two people. The office space was only a small 9 square meter house rented with a registered capital of only 50,000 yuan. Although the starting point is low, we advocate “starting from scratch and starting from scratch”