Aiming at the quenching process of plate quenching machine, based on the analysis of the jet flow field structure and heat transfer characteristics of quenching water spraying system, the main heat exchange mechanism of quenching process is jet impact heat transfer. The influence of different quenching and cooling conditions on the temperature field and stress field of medium and heavy gauge steel plates was analyzed by simulation. It was pointed out that the high strength cooling of high-pressure quenching zone is the main factor of internal stress generation. The research shows that the cooling mechanism of the quenching process of the roller quenching machine lies in that the high-temperature quenching zone high-strength cooling in the temperature range of 800-500 ℃ of the quenched steel plate is favorable for the steel plate to obtain the high cooling rate greater than the critical quenching speed so as to avoid the occurrence of other types In the temperature range below 500 ℃, the use of low-pressure quenching zone slow cooling, is conducive to reducing the thermal stress and the martensitic transformation of the resulting tissue stress, thereby reducing the plate in the martensitic transformation process Integrated stress, reduce the tendency of plate deformation.