美国国会参众两院2013年10月16日晚分别投票通过议案,给予联邦政府临时拨款,同时调高公共债务上限。白宫10月17日凌晨宣布,美国总统奥巴马已将议案签署成为法律,标志着美债危机警报暂时解除。“我们不过是把罐头踢得更远了点。”在美国国会最后时刻投票通过结束政府关门以及提高债务上限议案后,2012年大选副总统候选人、众议院预算委员会主席保罗·瑞安(Paul Ryan)如此宣称。根据这一议案,联邦政府各部门将获得预算运营到2014年1月15日,同时把财政部发行国债的权限延长至2014年2月7日。这就是共和党大佬、预算
The House of Representatives and the U.S. Congress voted separately on the evening of October 16, 2013 to give the federal government a provisional appropriation and raise the public debt ceiling. The White House announced early on October 17 that U.S. President Barack Obama has signed the bill into law, marking the temporary lifting of the U.S. debt crisis alert. “We just kicked the cans even further.” After the US Congress finally voted to close the government and raise the debt ceiling, the 2012 presidential candidate, Paul Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee, Ryan declares so. According to this motion, the federal government departments will receive the budget operation until January 15, 2014, while the Treasury bonds issued by the extension of authority until February 7, 2014. This is the Republican Gangster, budget