Laser Surface Remelting of Medium Ni-Cr Infinite Chilling Cast Iron Roll

来源 :材料热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanggang406
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Laser surface remelting of medium Ni-Cr infinite chilling cast iron was performed with a continuous wave COa laser beam with the power of 7 KW under the argon shielding. The microstructural analysis of the laser remelted layer by optical microscope shows that the laser remelted layer consists of three zones, which is the melting zone, the transition zone and the heat affected zone. The size of the dendrite of the melting zone is only in the 1/10 to 1/30 range of that of the substrate. The distribution of the hardness of the laser remelted layer was detected, and the carrying capacity of rolling steel was also field-tested. The results show that both the hardness of the remelted layer and the carrying capacity all increase, especially, the carrying capacity was 50% increased compared with the substrate. Laser microscopic analysis of the laser remelted layer by optical microscope shows that the laser remelted layer consists of of three zones, which is the melting zone, the transition zone and the heat affected zone. The size of the dendrite of the melting zone is only in the 1/10 to 1/30 range of that of the substrate. The distribution of the hardness of the laser remelted layer was detected, and the carrying capacity of rolling steel was also field-tested. The results show that both both hardness of the remelted layer and the carrying capacity all increase, especially, the carrying capacity was 50% with the substrate
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