对福建海岛潮间带大型底栖生物共鉴定 86 2种 ,其中动物为 734种 ,藻类为 1 2 8种 .对 1 1个主要海岛的潮间带生物群落测定Jaccard群落系数 ,应用加权均值联结法聚类分析及极坐标排序分析 ,海岛潮间带生物群落可分为 3个类型 :( 1 )开敞海域群落 ,宏观上分布于地处远岸水域的海岛或近岸凸出部、开阔部水域的海岛 ;( 2 )近岸港湾群落 ,分布于近岸或港湾的海岛 ;( 3)河口群落 ,分布于河口区的海岛 .群落种类组成和海岛所在地理位置及其生境密切相关 .盐度和水扰动程度是影响群落分布的主要因子
A total of 862 species of intertidal macrobenthos were identified in Fujian Island, including 734 species of animals and 128 species of algae. Jaccard community coefficients were determined for intertidal biomes of 11 major islands using a weighted average Cluster analysis and polar ordination analysis, the island intertidal community can be divided into three types: (1) Open sea communities, macroscopically distributed in the offshore islands located in the far waters or coastal projections, open (3) estuarine communities, distributed in the estuarine island .Community species composition and the location of the island and its habitat is closely related to the salt. (2) coastal nearshore community, located in the coastal or harbor island; Degree and degree of water disturbance are the main factors affecting community distribution