Using the five indicators of the number of colleges and universities, the number of graduates, the number of students in school, the ratio of teachers and students, and the per student per student, empirical research is conducted on the regional differences in higher vocational education. The results show that: (1) The calculation and decomposition of the Theil coefficient show that the regional differences of higher vocational education resources measured by relative indicators are higher than the regional differences measured by the total indicators; and the intra-regional disparity is the main source of the overall disparity. (2) Exploratory spatial data analysis shows that there is a significant spatial agglomeration of higher vocational education resources in terms of total indicators, and there is no significant spatial agglomeration of relative indicators if demographic factors are taken into account. (3) Kernel density estimation shows that vocational education has made significant progress and tends to be stable. From the per student education funding, the gap between provinces showed an expanding trend. From the number of students in school, the gap between provinces shows a trend of narrowing.