
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzx_27
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目的:探讨不同的剖宫产术式对再次剖宫产术的影响。方法:回顾性分析16例有剖宫产史、因某种产科指征需再次手术的患者的临床资料,比较第一次剖宫产不同术式对再次手术的影响。结果:腹壁纵切口剖宫产术再次手术从手术开始至胎儿娩出时间、术中出血量及腹腔粘连程度与腹壁横切口剖宫产术比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。子宫下段横切口与子宫体部纵切口剖宫产术再次手术比较,从手术开始至胎儿娩出时间两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);但术中出血量、腹腔粘连程度及子宫切口愈合情况两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:剖宫产术对再次手术有一定负面影响,应严格掌握剖宫产指征,对有剖宫产指征者应视具体情况选择最佳手术方式。对需再次手术的患者选择腹壁纵切口、子宫下段横切口剖宫产手术为宜。 Objective: To investigate the effect of different cesarean section on cesarean section. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 16 cases of cesarean section history, due to some obstetric indications require reoperation in patients with clinical data, the first cesarean section of different surgical procedures on the impact of reoperation. Results: The abdominal incision cesarean section reoperation from the beginning of surgery to the time of delivery of the fetus, intraoperative blood loss and abdominal adhesions and abdominal transverse incision cesarean section was significantly different (P <0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups (P> 0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P> 0.05). However, the intraoperative blood loss, abdominal adhesions and uterine incision There was significant difference between the two groups in healing (P <0.05). Conclusion: Cesarean section has some negative effects on reoperation. Cesarean section indications should be strictly controlled. For cesarean section indications, the best surgical method should be selected according to the specific situation. On the need for reoperation patients with abdominal wall longitudinal incision, transverse incision of the lower uterine cesarean section surgery is appropriate.
目的 探讨阿托伐他汀联合脑心通胶囊治疗脑梗死并颈动脉粥样硬化的临床效果.方法 选择134例经MRI或者头颅CT检查确诊为脑梗死并颈动脉粥样硬化患者,简单随机化法分为两组,对照组67例给予阿托伐他汀与阿司匹林行常规治疗;观察组67例则在常规治疗的基础上,加用脑心通胶囊,两组均治疗1个疗程(6个月).比较分析两组治疗前后血脂、超敏C-反应蛋白水平(hs-CRP)、神经功能缺损评分(NIHSS),颈动脉
目的:观察剖宫产术后应用吗啡类硬膜外镇痛对新生儿母乳喂养的影响.方法:选择ASA Ⅰ~Ⅱ级足月妊娠剖宫产孕妇120例,随机分为镇痛Ⅰ组(吗啡5 mg+氟哌利多2.5 mg)、镇痛Ⅱ组(罗
目的 观察冷光美白技术漂白着色活髓牙的临床效果.方法 50例着色活髓牙的患者随机分为观察组和对照组各25例,观察组采取冷光美白技术,对照组采取一般的漂白技术,观察两组着色活髓牙的美白效果和冷光美白技术对不同原因的着色牙的美白效果.结果 观察组的冷光美白着色牙的成功率为96.0%,明显高于对照组的76.0%,两组差异有统计学意义(x2=4.15,P<0.05);冷光美白技术对外源性着色牙的漂白效果要