Based on the measurement of departure from tax rate and departure rate of VAT tax sources in 31 provinces in China from 2004 to 2013, the results show that most of the eastern and western regions are net value added tax (VAT) transfers, while the central region is mostly net VAT exporters. In terms of development trend, the degree of imbalance between net transfer of value-added tax areas and net transfer-out areas has been deepening year by year, and the imbalances in net transfer-out areas have been growing faster than the net imbalances in net transfer to areas. The empirical analysis of the PVAR model’s relationship with the departure of value-added tax from the regional economic development shows that the departure of the source of VAT tax revenue adversely affects the development of the tertiary industry and the growth of per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents, Dispatch unbalanced policy recommendations.