生命健康权包括生命权和健康权两项人身权。侵害生命权是指不法地剥夺他人生命的行为。侵害健康权是破坏身体的内外部有形组织和器官机能。这两种侵权重则让人死亡,轻则也让人流血致残。 打工妹人群,由于背井离乡,人地两生,以出卖劳动力为生,在经济和人格上处于弱势地位,孤立无援,加之性别特点,最容易受到不法人身侵害,造成严重后果。
The right to life and health includes the right to life and the right to health. Violation of the right to life means unlawful deprivation of the life of others. Infringement of the right to health is the destruction of the body’s internal and external tangible organizational and organ functions. These two kinds of infringement are heavy people, from light to bleed. The working-class girls are most vulnerable to unlawful perpetrators and have serious consequences because of being displaced from their homeland, living on their own and their families, living off the beggars’ labor force, being economically and personalityually disadvantaged, being left alone and in addition to gender characteristics.