抓根本 讲实效 不断提高军事教官的任教能力

来源 :北京化工大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wusyun
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七月五日下午,由市高教局、军训办组织的专家、教授和部分院校的专武干部、军事教员一行九人的调讲检查组来到学校,现场观摩了教官张广武同志讲授的《电子对抗》。同时,听课的还有校领导和教务处组织的课程评审组的专家。中国人民解放军国防大学的六名任课教授旁听了这堂军事理论课。在两个课时的教学中,生动具体的战例分析、形象直观的现场演示,通俗熟练的讲课艺术和严肃活泼的课堂气氛,赢得了在座的市、校领导和专家教授的好评。课后,在座谈中一致认为这堂军事理论课教学,准备充分、重点突出、层次清楚、手段灵活、效果显著。军事教研室主任张斌同志很风趣地讲“我们的军事理论课在试点开始的头一年曾被评为效果最差的课程之一。这几年在校领导重视下,职能部门通力合作,齐抓共管,任课教官克服困难,不懈努力,虚心学习,肯下功夫。军事理论课连续三年被评为最受学生欢迎的课程之一,我们要以市里这次调讲检查为动力,发扬成绩、纠正不足”。校党委副书记赵素贞同志说:“我校的军事理论课教学工作已经迈上了新台阶”。 On the afternoon of July 5, nine experts and professors from the Municipal Higher Education Bureau, military training organizations, professors and part-time special military cadres and military instructors came to the school to inspect the team that was instructored by Comrade Zhang Guangwu. Electronic Warfare“. At the same time, the lectures are also experts from the curriculum review group organized by the school leaders and Academic Affairs Office. Six lecturers at the National Defense University of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army listened to this military theory lesson. In the teaching of two classes, vivid and specific analysis of the war, the visual image of live demonstrations, popular proficiency lecture art and a lively atmosphere of the classroom, won the present city, school leaders and experts and professors praise. After class, we all agreed in the symposium that this military theory teaching should be well-prepared and focused with clear levels, flexible means and remarkable results. Comrade Zhang Bin, director of the Military Teaching and Research Office, is very amusing in saying that ”our military theory class was rated as one of the worst performing programs in the first year of the pilot program. In recent years, under the leadership of the school leaders, functional departments have worked together Take joint management, instructors to overcome difficulties, unremitting efforts, open-minded, willing to work hard.Military theory class for three consecutive years was rated as the most popular one of the students, we must take the city as the motivation to adjust the speech, carry forward Score, correct deficiencies. “ Comrade Zhao Suzhen, deputy party secretary of the school said: ”The military theory teaching in our school has reached a new level."
目的 探讨血清CEA、CA199及CA724应用于胃癌诊断中的临床价值。方法 用电化学发光免疫技术分别检测30例胃癌患者(研究组)以及80例健康体检者(对照组)的血清CEA、CA199及CA724