通过对桂西南大青山林区28a生米老排(Mytilaria laosensis)人工林林分进行每木检尺和生物量的测定,建立了米老排各器官生物量与胸径、树高和胸径平方乘树高(D2 H)的相关关系;分别选用幂函数等5种模型,用回归分析方法对米老排人工林单株生物量模型进行了拟合。结果表明:树叶和树根生物量分别与胸径和树高的相关关系最显著,而树干、树枝、树皮和全株的生物量都与D2 H的相关关系最为显著。胸径、树高和D2 H与各器官生物量拟合的模型中,全株、树干和树皮的拟合效果最好,树叶和树根的拟合效果中等,树枝的拟合效果较差。除树皮外,各器官均以幂指数模型的拟合效果最好。
The biomass and DBH of each organ of Melaleucae were established by measuring the length of 28-year-old Mytilaria laosensis plantation in the southwest Guangxi’s Guam forest area. The tree height and DBH were multiplied by Tree height (D2 H). Five models such as power function were selected respectively, and the biomass model of M. milauiana plantation was fitted by regression analysis method. The results showed that there was the most significant correlation between leaf diameter and tree root biomass and DBH and tree height, while the biomass of trunk, branch, bark and whole plant had the most significant correlation with D2H. In the models with DBH, tree height and D2H fitting with biomass of all organs, the fitting effect of whole plant, trunk and bark was the best, the fitting effect of leaves and roots was moderate, and the fitting effect of branches was poor. Except for the bark, all organs fitted with the power index model had the best fitting effect.