意明笔透 游刃有余——石涛“一画”论与庄子《养生主》

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《石涛画语录》是学界公认的一部难读的画论名著。“一画”是全书的第一章。近世学者如潘天寿、俞剑华、叶朗、葛路等对此均有阐释。真是仁智殊见。然详审各家所述,或表面简单,或语焉不详,终觉不曾搔到痒处。上海伍蠡甫先生的研究较为深入,远出各家之上,然仍有疏漏缺憾之处。大概因为画语录本身“文字和内容实在艰深”,“又加以故弄笔头,因之波澜反复,辞旨玄妙,令人捉摸不定”(俞剑华语)的缘故吧。然而,绘画毕竟是绘画,故其理论也不可能玄渺到不着边际,也许看似艰深的言词,讲述的恰是一个平常的道理,只是我们还不熟习他的语境和不习惯他的表达方式。 笔者认为一画章是石涛画语录中带有方法论色彩和纲领性的一章。庄子《养生主》是其理论张本。 何谓一画?石涛在《运腕章》言:“一画者,字画下手之浅近功夫也。”这“浅近功夫”包含了如下的内容: “Shi Tao Quotations” is recognized as an unreadable painting theory masterpiece. “One Painting” is the first chapter of the book. Recent scholars such as Pan Tianshou, Yu Jianhua, Yelang, Ge Road and so on are explained. Really different wisdom. However, detailed examination of each family described, or the surface is simple, or Yan Yan unknown, the end never scratched the itch Department. Shanghai Wu Mi Fu’s study more in-depth, far beyond every family, there are still omissions. Probably because of the painting quotes itself “text and content is really difficult”, “and to write off because of repeated waves, rhetoric, mysterious, unpredictable” (Yu Jian Chinese) because of it. However, the painting is, after all, a painting. Therefore, its theory can not be beyond bounds and may seem seemingly difficult. It is just a common truth to say that we are not yet familiar with his context and expressions that are not used to him the way. The author thinks that a painting is a chapter with methodology color and programmatic in the quotations of Shitao. Zhuangzi “health advocate” is its theory Zhang Ben. What is a picture? Shi Tao in the “wrist chapter” said: “a painter, calligraphy and painting of the recent kung fu too.” This “shallow Kung Fu” includes the following:
“意在笔先”是中国画创作的普遍规律。 “意”是创作的先行官,“意”之近者,指一种认识,一种情绪,一种感觉,一种思维倾向,一种思想感情,一种生活中的惊喜,一种“物不平则鸣
我们遵照毛主席关于“中国医药学是一个伟大的宝库,应当努力发掘,加以提高”的伟大教导,从1974年起至1977年6月止,共运用针麻进行兰尾切除68例,现小结如下: 全部病例包括三